
Hornbach — The Hornbach Hammer

The Hornbach Hammer


The Hornbach Hammer

Integrated Campaign & Brand Experience


In December 2012, the DIY and home improvement store HORNBACH bought a Russion tank and transformed it into a product of great design and passion. The HORNBACH HAMMER.

Watch Case Film:


The unique story from tank to hammer was revealed on the Hornbach Facebook page and the hammer quickly became highly demanded. The online presale of the hammer proved this, 150 hammers gone in less than 20 minutes. A few days later it hit the shelves. In only three days, the hammer was completely sold out. The campaign seemed to be over, then, Hornbach announced the last 700 hammers. The Hornbach Facebook page provided details on 12 exotic places where the last 700 hammers would be sold. Including a heavy metal festival, a ferry on the baltic sea and a sex shop in a red light district.

The fully integrated campaign represents the journey of the hammer, how it became a symbol, as well as the hype that followed.

You can still buy a HORNBACH Hammer at ebay for around €200.
The initial price was €25.



Print and Out-Of-Home posters

Display media


HEIMAT, Berlin


My Role:
Creative Director